
Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Knife Skills Training for Kids

Hey out there, guys and gals!  
It's summer.. and that means, kiddos needing to be entertained...and cooked for.  Well how about we turn this little thing around and get THEM cooking?!   You are going to LOVE this!!!!  and it's FREE!!!!! 

My friend Katie is pulling a couple videos out of her Kids Cook Real FoodeCourse and offering them for free as a special gift to you!  This whole series is an excellent opportunity to get your kids in the kitchen and learn some great skills this summer.  Katie is a teacher, and she's awesome.  :)

When she did this last January, over 7,000 families signed up to teach kids knife safety and techniques. I’m so excited that it's happening again so you get a chance too!

There's one to watch with your kids that will demonstrate how to safely handle dull and sharp knives (you decide which on depending on their age and maturity), and then there are two more training videos for YOU to help you feel completely comfortable and confident giving your kids sharp knives.

I know some parents might feel like they need 3 or 4 chances to feel comfortable, but I'm confident you'll be ready after the two important videos Katie is putting together for you. ;)

Don't worry if you feel like you have a busy day or week - just sign up so that you have access to all 3 videos as soon as they're each available, and you'll get reminders to make it happen through June 6.

What you'll learn in these short videos:
  • Basic knife skills and techniques for kids age two to teen
  • Mastery of the three safe ways to hold food while cutting
  • How child development impacts your child's readiness to learn new skills
  • The #1 mistake that destroys your chance of enjoying time in the kitchen with your kids
  • A tested 3-step process for teaching kids in the kitchen so young cooks learn basic skills the right way
Here’s a note from a sweet grandma who emailed after signing up last January:

Loved this video. I sent the information off to my daughter-in law who has already started to teach the 5 & 7 year olds to cook. She's a teacher too and will love how you broke the process down. Thanks!

See what all the buzz is about and get those kids in the kitchen!
And seriously... the price is right - it's free!!!  
