
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Meatballs Stroganoff

Beef Stroganoff is a Russian dish of sauteed pieces of beef served in a sauce with sour cream. From its origins in 19th-century Russia, it has become popular around the world, with considerable variation from the original recipe.  Well MY kids like it with Italian style meatballs.  Yes, it usually has mushrooms, too... but I don't like them.  So mine does not.

My friend E reminded me that I had passed along this recipe to her as a quick weeknight meal for her family; and I realized how long it's been since we've had it here. All the kids (plus a neighbor kid) coming back for seconds reaffirmed this as one of our quick, easy, flavorful favorites.
#quick #easy #familyfriendly #kidfriendly #budgetfriendly #pasta #comfortfood

Click for Printable Recipe

Click on this link for a full length video of this recipe:
I shot this video for Ingles Markets.  You may be familiar with Ingles if you live in GA, NC, SC, TN, VA, AL.

Ingredients: (serves around 4 - 6)
I'm giving you fair warning, this is NOT a 'measure everything out' recipe.  Instead, it's one of those things you throw together after work on a busy day because it works and its delicious and your kids love it, and it's super fast.
  • Frozen Italian style meatballs (1/2 oz each) 
    • generally, enough to cover the bottom of the pan.  Depends on who is home.
  • Extra virgin olive oil 
    • 1+ Tbsp - just enough to brown up the meatballs.  
  • 2 cups beef broth 
    • you can use the granules or cubes with hot water if you don't have the kind in the box.
    • use more for more meatballs... just go with this recipe.  Don't overthink it.  
  • Seasoning
    • kosher salt and black pepper to taste
    • dried herbs (probably at least 1 - 1 1/2 tsp each) - parsley, oregano, basil
    • it will look like a lot of seasoning, but in the end, it will be great!
  • 1 cup sour cream
  • 4 oz reduced fat cream cheese (optional)
  • 1 cup heavy whipping cream
    • or a slurry of whole milk + a spoon of cornstarch
  • Wide egg noodles
    • enough for whomever is there
  • optional garnishes - fresh oregano leaves, Italian seasoning
A little EVOO.  I don't even really measure.  Maybe a tablespoon or so.
Add the meatballs when the oil and pan are HOT! 
Frozen Italian style meatballs (1/2 ounce size)
brown them.
That looks about right now.
Deglaze with 2 cups beef broth.
 * If you don't have beef broth in a can or box, you can use hot water and a beef flavored bouillon or flavor booster.  
  You'll see lots of steam.  That's what makes it pick up all those great flavors.
Season it up liberally!
dried basil
dried oregano
a generous pinch of kosher salt
black pepper
Let it just simmer away.   All the flavors are coming together.
 Don't forget to start the noodles!
I am using "No Yolks" egg noodles.
Add the heavy cream.
   *If you don't have any heavy cream, you can use plain milk.... Add a heaping tablespoon of cornstarch to the cold milk to make a slurry, then add it.
You'll see all of those great seasoning start to float around.  Bring to a full boil so the thickeners can work.
 Add the sour cream.  I'm using a reduced fat sour cream.  If using cream cheese as well, add it now.
Now add in the cooked, drained noodles.  And you are done!  Turn off the heat and serve.  

If you will not be serving this immediately, consider leaving it soupier.  The pasta will soak up a lot of the juice, and you don't want it to be dry.
This looks suspiciously like a frozen dinner dish that my little kids like.  But much healthier because I made it and I know what's in there!
The real way it looks.... without any fancy photography.  Just kiddos and juice pouches on a busy evening...
 God our Father, ... we thank you... for our many blessings... Amen.
 Kid tested and approved!
 Oh come on now... doesn't everyone's kid drink Kool-Aid and stuff for dinner?
Chipmunk cheeks full of meatballs.
It's making him THIS strong!
The 20 minute version! Down home comfort food.  Fast.  Yummy.
Now, if you are serving to people who care about such things, you can garnish with some fresh oregano leaves.  And a sprinkling of Parmesan would be lovely as well.

I hope you've enjoyed this quick and easy recipe! 

Order the MenuMusings Cookbook!

Also, Please be sure to visit my YouTube Channel for short video tutorials on selected videos.  Watch me explain the steps of the recipes in just a few minutes!  Just one more way that I'm giving you the tools to get in that kitchen!!! Aren't you curious?  Click and see how many there are!  :)

Here's just one delicious example -  Mahogany Glazed Chicken!  Yum!!

Looking for more yummy recipes?  Check these out....
Creamy chicken piccata - quick Italian with a twist!
Spicy garlic shrimp - quick and easy family favorite!
Sun dried tomato chicken - definitely easy and kid friendly!
Roasted red pepper and basil pesto penne - so fast, easy, healthy and delicous!

Mango Avocado Caribbean Jerk Chicken Meal Prep - wake up your #mealprep options!
Asian Inspired Ginger Sesame Turkey Meatballs with Teriyaki Glaze - perfect for #mealprep
Pull Apart Pizza Bites - my kids love these for after school!
Easy Family Favorite Meatloaf - my husband's favorite!
Easy Family Favorite
Foolproof Fall Off the Bone Ribs (slow cooker) - because who wouldn't rather be inside that out in the rain and snow?  Or have them ready when you walk in from work?
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Written Method:
I start off with our favorite brand of frozen Italian style meatballs (my kids LOVE the Rosina brand).  I brown them in a little olive oil in a black iron skillet.  This is where you get all the good flavors - from the fond (the brown bits that stick on the bottom) that gets stuck in the skillet.  [I don't think this would work as well in a non-stick skillet b/c it releases too much of that goodness.]

After they are browned up nicely, deglaze the pan with about 2 cups of beef broth (I like Swanson's brand).  Bring to a boil.  Season generously with salt and pepper, dried herbs (parsley, oregano, basil).  When it starts reducing, add about 2/3 cup sour cream (I use Daisy light) and about a cup of heavy whipping cream.  These will make the sauce creamy and silky and also act as a thickener.

Meanwhile, boil water in a separate pot and add the wide egg noodles (I use No Yolks).  Boil until they are still just a bit al dente, drain briefly and add to the simmering sauce.  They will finish cooking in the sauce and also soak up a lot of that goodness.

The result is a nice, creamy sauce - slightly tangy from the sour cream, a little herbaceous from the nice green herbs, a little beefy from the stock.  Yum! 


  1. Oh my, this was so easy to make and oh so delicious!! I made 2 batches for my large family reunion, got asked multiple times for the recipe, and got rave reviews. Both pans came home empty. SCORE!! This is now my go-to favorite recipe. Thanks so much for your blog and whoever pinned this first and passed it down my way. Kristine from MI

    1. Thanks so much for that review Kristine!! This is one of my kids' favorites and also a fav of my friends who come home from work and need something fast for the family. So very glad y'all enjoyed it and that you found my blog. Stop by any time! Julie

  2. This looks tasty...and easy! No huge mess to clean up, either! How many servings does this recipe yield, as written? Can't wait to try this on my brood! :)


    1. Alea - We regularly have 6 people in the house (4 large, 2 preschoolers), and this feeds us. For more, just use a larger pan, and more "stuff." That's what is so great about using convenience items like frozen meatballs and broth from a box!

    2. I am making this right now , but you you did not list what the amount or weight of meatballs you used. Could you reply with that amount?

    3. Mary - I've never measured. I pretty much almost fill up the bottom of the black iron skillet. (Just depends on how many people I'm feeding and the size of the meatballs.) I usually but the 1/2 ounce meatballs.

    4. Email me directly if any more questions and I'll give you my phone number.

  3. Just fixed this and it was amazing!!! I added 1 tbsp of Cream Cheese to the Sauce and some pasta water.

  4. Cream cheese?! Oh my... you have seriously upped the ante!! Wish I had thought of that. :)

  5. Just made this tonight for the family--outstanding recipe! Use fresh parsley and dried herbs, Tossed a salad, rolls and had plenty of time to make it to the gym(hubby and kids cleaned up)! Will make this again, Thanks for sharing and LOVE your blog!

    1. Dear Anonymous.... wish I could thank you for this wonderful comment. It made my morning when I woke up to it!!

  6. So excited to make this tonight! Will let you know the reviews of my family! Thanks for sharing!

  7. Thanks Julie so much for sharing this recipe it looks and sounds absolutely delicious. I love a good Stroganoff and the thought of adding meatballs to it just sounds awesome, I can't wait to make this for my family.


    1. Dan - thanks for visiting my blog and giving this recipe some consideration. Also, I'm excited to hear from a guy.. usually it's mostly the ladies who comment. If you enjoy the recipe, why don't you take a photo with your finished dish and allow me to put it on the viewer spotlight page?

  8. Thank you it turned out great!!! Really quick and easy for this single working mother of 2!!!

    1. singlemama - you go girl! I've been there. Thanks for having enough faith in my blog to give the recipe a try! Hope you find others that will help you get dinner on the table. :)

  9. This looks so good! I'll be making it this weekend-love the idea of adding cream cheese :-)


    1. Jenn - be sure to let me know how it comes out! :)

  10. Have you tried freezing this meal for future use? Thanks for sharing your recipe! Looking forward to trying this one :)

    1. Stephanie - I've never had more leftovers than a small bit for lunch the next day. I have frozen other pasta dishes before, however, and then popped them into the oven to reheat. Just make sure you make it a little extra juicy so it won't be dry 'later' as pasta really sucks up sauces after sitting.

  11. Love love love it!!! So good and so easy! Thanks for sharing! Plus it doesn't have mushrooms in it so my husband can eat it!!!

    1. Sharla - I'm with ya on the mushroom thing! ;) Thanks for visiting my blog!!

    2. I had the leftovers for lunch today! Still amazing!!!

    3. Sharla - isn't it great when good old, simple home cooking can be so good? Guess that's why they call it "comfort" food. :)

  12. This was delicious! My whole family loved it. Thanks for the recipe.

    1. Thanks Heather! Please feel free to share the recipe and blog site with your friends. :)

  13. After the meatballs are done browning, do you keep them in the pan while you start the sauce?

    1. Interestingly enough... this is dinner for us tonight, too. Short on time - trying to get to my son's Christmas concert, no time for grocery shopping after picking up cat from the vet... so what is great about this meal, is that I generally have all the ingredients on hand. :)

  14. After the meatballs are done browning, do you keep them in the pan while you start the sauce?

    1. Katie. Absolutely. You basically just dump all the stuff on top of them. The longer they simmer, the yummier they get, so you don't need to remove them. This is one pot deal.. low maintenance! Good luck -let me know how it comes out for you.

  15. I made this tonight but my sauce didn't thicken enough and was kind of runny...not sure what I did wrong? Suggestions? I probably just wasn't patient enough! The sauce itself tasted great, but it was having trouble sticking to the meatballs and noodles:-) I added a little garlic powder for taste as well which gave it a good flavor.

    1. Jennifer - since I wasn't there, I'll have to speculate... for one thing, you must bring the sauce to a complete high boil after adding the cream for it to thicken. Then allow it to reduce a bit as well. An easy way to ensure a thicker sauce would be to add a teaspoon or so of cornstarch to the cold cream/milk before you add them. Then when you bring it to a boil, its sure to thicken right up!

  16. Do you thaw the meatballs first?

    1. chris - nope. Just throw them in there straight from the bag, frozen.

  17. Replies
    1. Yay! That's awesome. Thanks for writing back to update me! Please let me know if you try any of my other recipes...and by all means, please share my blog with your friends/family. I could always use new readers. :)

  18. Amazing recipe - first one I've tried off Pinterest! I made my own meatballs because my children would kill me if I used frozen, and added a splash of merlot to the sauce - everyone loved this and it got the seal of approval of monthly dinner rotation. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Shayna - I am absolutely honored that you chose one of my recipes to be the first!! - and your changes sound amazing. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. Please feel free to come back. :)

  19. Tried this recipe for a special surprise for my hubby. He loved it, and it came together very quickly. I like that the recipe can easily be reduced for just two people. Nothing like a quick, weeknight meal that's also tasty! Thanks!

    1. I am with you on that!! Quick, easy, tasty, and versatile. :)

  20. Julie,

    Hello! I am from Rosina Food Products, Inc., and your blog was brought to our attention. We wanted to thank you and your family for complementing our Rosina Meatballs. We would love it if you would contact us at (contact us) so we could share some of our recipes and thoughts with you.

  21. Yum! I made it with whole wheat noodles and homemade meatballs, and it was perfect! Thanks for such a great recipe... pretty sure it's being added to the rotation now :).

    1. Fabulous! I'm very honored... as the "rotation" is a must coveted spot. Thanks so much for visiting my blog. Please do stop by again. :)

  22. I just made this tonight and it was amazing! Yum. Even my four year old (who doesn't believe in anything that isn't chicken nuggets or hotdots) loved it! Thanks so much for sharing. And yes, this will definitely be added to the regulars. Sooooo Good!!!

    1. Wow, CC! What a glowing review! After a tough day with six post-holiday kid in the house (ages 15 - 3), I sure did need to hear that! Thanks so much!! Please feel free to stop in again and share my blog with your friends. ;)

  23. I found this recipe on pinterest and was instantly prepared to make it! I made this recipe tonight with a few substitutions and it was awesome! Instead of using italian meatballs, I used the Schwans turkey and pork meatballs which are the same, just a little bit healthier. Being a recent college grad still navigating the cooking world, I only had basil out of the dry herbs you listed. So I used basil, crushed rosemary, and garlic salt with parsley. I also added some worstershire sauce to because I saw it in another recipe. Lastly I used evaporated milk instead of cream to take away a few more calories and it worked just as well (thanks for the tip mom! ). My roommates and I loved it and I know that I'm going to make it over again! Thanks for the original recipe!

    1. Congrats! Sounds like you learned how to be innovative in college! I am a college professor and I'm always trying to get my students to think independently and "outside of the box." That is what is so great about this recipe - you can really customize it in so many ways. I'm very happy that y'all enjoyed it.. I hope that you will follow me on Pinterest and come back for more recipes soon! Visit my Recipe Index for lots of ideas for kitchen novices. :) Julie

      Ps - feel free to message me via email any time with questions, tips, etc.

  24. I tried this tonight with half a block of cream cheese instead of cream. Our family loved it. I just have to remember to keep more meatballs on hand! My 8 year old and 3 year old kept snitching them out of the sauce! LOL It was good and this will be in pretty regular rotation at our house!

    1. Glad to hear it! That's a tough crowd! :) I'm gonna have to try it with the cream cheese, too.

  25. this is how i make swedish meatballs on weeknights, too! one suggestion: it might sound odd, but adding a pinch of allspice and/or cinnamon makes this amazing!

    1. Kenna - wow.. what an interesting suggestion. Does that give it a little more middle eastern flair?

  26. Thank you, thank you, thank you!! I made this tonight, because I wanted something different and my kids were just going to have to eat it or go hungry. LOL! They. Loved. It! And they don't like new things or things that are all mixed together. They ate it and didn't even complain about having to "try" it! can't wait for lunch tomorrow!

    1. Amy - I couldn't ask for a better "report" than that!! Hope this will become a regular for you. :)

  27. Awesome! Thanks so much for this recipe! I am a poor college student who doesn't have time for "fancy" dinners often...but this one hit the spot!!

    1. Well this one is great when your time is limited but your palate is hungry! Thanks for stopping in.. I have lots of "fast" and "easy" recipes on the recipe index. :)

  28. We love beef stroganoff so I know we'll love this! Great idea to make it into meatball form! BTW...I'm your newest follower!

    1. Welcome aboard, Lillian?! Feel free to share my site with your friends and family. Hope you enjoy this recipe. It's definitely a short-cut to a "home cooked" meal after a long work day!

  29. After too many nights of not making dinner (I get off of work at 6pm) I thought I could manage to throw this together. It was really good for how fast it was and more importantly, everyone in the family ate it! That rarely happens. Thanks for a good quick recipe. PS: I found you on pinterest.

    1. Oh my gosh.. I am ALL too familiar with that dilemma. A recipe that everyone will eat is a rare thing indeed. I will consider that a victory!!!! :) I hope you will come back and be a regular reader.

  30. I'm going to try this recipe this week. Did u use the whole bag of egg noodles then? And also, my hubby got me a new cast iron skillet for Christmas so I'm also excited to use my new skillet :)

    1. I use between 1/2 and 2/3 of a bag usually. Depends on who I have eating.

  31. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  32. I really wanted to try this tonight but I just can't believe I can get enough in my 12" skillet for a family of 4. Do you think it would be ok to cook the noodles separately and just serve the meatballs over them?

  33. Do you think this will work fine in a crockpot?? By adding everything but the pasta then cooking the pasta later? If so, how long would you suggest to cook it for? One thing I love about cooking meatballs in a crockpot is the juices really get into the meatballs and makes them extra tasty and moist.

    1. Interesting question! I've never tried that (since I use this as a fast "after work" meal), but I don't see why not. If you use frozen meatballs, then you know they will be cooked and safe to eat... so it is just a matter of the sauce. I would have to research other "cooked meatballs in a crockpot" recipes. But at the end, if your sauce is a little thin, you could always remove a bit of it (2-3 Tbsp) and mix it with a little cornstarch, then return it to the sauce, crank it up to high and let it go for another 30 minutes or so to thicken. You could just dump the cooked noodles in for the last 5 minutest or so.

    2. Thanks. i just made this your way and it was aweeeewsoooooome. My mouth was so happy. haha. I especially wanted to make it because it sounded like the Lean Cuisine Swedish Meatball meal, and I did use swedish meatballs in it and found it a lovely alternative to the lean cuisine version. Thanks for the recipe!

  34. Awesome recipe! My 2 young kids loved it & it is the requested dish to make at our monthly wine night that my girlfriends and I have! What's better than great wine, great girl talk, and great comfort food? Thanks so much! :)

    1. I am super flattered! Thanks so much... and please share my blog with your friends. I love having new readers!!


  35. Soooo good. I hate using sirloin for stroganoff. It's hit and miss on toughness and I hate spending $$$ for tough meat. Using ground beef for this, I can then spend money on a better cut of meat, like steak or roast beef for later in the week. Thank you. I use to make something like this with cream of mushroom soup but this is so much better.

    1. Glad to hear it!! Please stop by again to check out other recipes from my blog. Love having new readers!

  36. This recipe sounds amazing! Im going to try this recipe soon but I dont have heavy whipping cream or cream cheese on hand. Can I use milk or half & half? Thanks!

    1. Yes. I have used regular milk before. You can add a little corn starch into it before you put it into the pot. It will thicken right up.

  37. I made this tonight... YUMMMMMMMM!!! After I browned the meatballs and removed them from the skillet, I threw in a chopped onion, two cloves of crushed garlic, and some chunks of fresh mushrooms and sauteed them before adding the broth... OMG! As my husband said, this recipe is a keeper. Thanks so much!

    1. Lisa - You just made my night! So glad you enjoyed... hoping you will come back and try some of the other recipes from my blog.

  38. This was delicious and fast. Everyone loved it. We had a few more adults than you, so I made 1.5 of your recipe. It was a little bit too thin even after reducing, possibly because I had the extra broth in there. So, I added a little bit of a corn starch slurry and it was perfect. Will definitely be making this again. It only took around 30 minutes from start to finish. I have just enough left over for my lunch at work tomorrow. Thanks!

    1. Excellent! It's funny how the number of "adults" in my own house keeps changing... teenagers eating more, various neighbor teens, etc. And they all enjoy this easy recipe. So glad it worked out for you. (I sometimes add the slurry as well). Hope you will come back and try some of my other recipes. :)

  39. Really great, thank you! My husband and 2 year old LOVED it. I added pureed cauliflower to the sauce for some added veggies.

  40. Trying this tonight! I can't wait to see what everyone thinks!

  41. Made this tonight, super good. Omitted sour cream for personal preference & added sliced mushrooms. Ready in less than 30 minutes!

  42. I also just made this tonight...SUCCESS...made it in under 30 minutes, and ALL 4 of us loved it! (I have a 2 and 5 year old) Made your creamy chicken piccata last night (yum!), and plan to make your roasted red pepper and basil penne tomorrow! LOVE your blog, will be making many of your recipes...your cooking style is right up my alley! ;)

  43. Wow! I saw your recipe on Pinterest and had to try it. Absolutely delish! My 14 year old whom doesn't like Stroganoff....polished off TWO plates! It took about 25 minutes and was so effortless. This is definitely going on our dinner rotation. Thank you!

    1. Update!!!! This dish remains a family favorite! Thank you so much!

  44. All your recipes look really delicious,I will have to try them all!!

  45. I cooked this the other night and it was very yummy and very easy. It must have smelled good cooking because when I yelled "dinners ready " my husband practically ran into the kitchen to get some. Will definitely be making this one of our usuals :)

  46. I would never feed ready made meatballs to my kids! Why not make them yourself with quality meat. Also for a proper stroganov one needs mushrooms and no italian seasoning.

    1. I'm sorry you feel that way. My goal is to pass along recipes that will help busy parents get a meal on the table after work rather than getting takeout. Since not everyone has the luxury of making meatballs from scratch, nor the confidence, this recipe has made many many people happy with an easy, hot meal at home that their families have enjoyed. And personally, my family happens to really like it. As for the mushrooms and Italian seasoning, the joy of cooking is having the freedom to add whatever you wish to the dish you cook, and delete what your family does not like.

  47. Julie, thanks for sharing the recipe. My wife and four kids devoured it. I used turkey meatballs and it was wonderful.

  48. I just got through making this for dinner tonight. Smells so good, waiting on hubby to eat it though. My sauce didn't turn out too thick, but I used the cheat method with the milk and cornstarch.
    The only thing I didn't see in the recipe was the timing on everything, so I just sort of winged it and I hope it turns out okay! Looks good :)

    1. Nicki - I'm laughing to myself... because I doubt I put any "times" on there. This is such a touchy feely recipe, and depends on the type of cream or milk used, the amount of meatballs and stock, etc. You just go with it without overthinking.. then enjoy! Please let me know how it goes! :)

  49. I've made this recipe several times now and my family LOVES it! Thank you so much for sharing it with us!

  50. Mercedes MagdalenoApril 24, 2013 at 8:49 PM

    Just finished making this and it came out amazing. Very easy, and did not use a lot of dishes. I also added a tsp of cream cheese, after reading the other comments. Will be making this again soon, hopefully my other half will feel the same way! :)

  51. I see that you already have a ton of positive comments, but I just wanted to leave one more. THIS RECIPE IS AMAZING! Came across it on Pinterest and it was always on my 'to make list'. I am sooo happy that I decided to make this one (as many of the recipes stay on the to-do list)!! Amazingly delicious! Definitely going to be a repeat!

  52. I really want to try this but I do not have a cast iron skillet! Any tips for making it just as tasty using regular pots and pans or maybe a crockpot?

    1. Ummm.. oh boy. Good question, Ashley. You could use a regular (NOT a nonstick) skillet... add the oil, and leave them BE until they brown. You NEED them to sear and develop all that good color. The "stuff" that is left on the bottom of the pot (called 'fond') will give you a lot of the flavor for the sauce.

      Let me know how this goes! And do yourself a favor.... visit an outdoors/sporting goods/camping store or an antique store, and buy yourself one for the future. They are so awesome for so many recipes! The older and blacker the better!! :)


  53. I used a regular big pan for this recipe.not the cast iron.this was my first time making it tonight and I am still in the middle of eating but I had to say that this recipe is is family hubby is at work but I even texted him a picture and told him I wish he was home so he could have some 4 yr old and 2 yr old daughters are gobbling up and said it was delish.this is a keeper and I will make this several times.ithe only thing different was adding more cornstarch to thicken it more

  54. Made this today for supper and my family loved the recipe, my daughter asked to have it tomorrow again (and she is a picky eater).... I did make my own meatballs, the rest was the same...thanks

  55. Made this for supper tonight and my sons and I loved it! I pinned it too :)

  56. I made the Stroganoff for dinner tonight and my family loved it! Thanks so much for the yummy recipe!

  57. I just found this recipe and will definitely be making it tonight. Do you think it would work if I cooked it in a crockpot instead? My stovetop eyes are kind of crappy, and I hate cooking on them.

    1. Hi there! So glad you stumbled onto my blog somehow. I have not tried it in a crockpot. It's such a fast recipe, that I've always used the stove. I don't mean to be a downer, but I'm not sure how you would brown the meatballs on the stove, and then it would probably take a long time for the sauce to thicken.

      Maybe you could try it both ways?

      If you enjoy my blog, please share it with your friends/family. I am always excited to have new readers!

  58. I am making this tonight :) thanks for the recipe. Hope it turns out good!

  59. You need to know that my Korean mother who has Alzheimer's ate so much of this dinner tonight! She kept saying how good it was, but I had to stop her from eating more because I knew she was so full. A big plus was my picky husband ate two helpings and my teenage son ate without saying a word and that's how I knew he loved it! Thank you for creating my new fave go to dish for the whole family.

  60. Thank you! My 3 boys & husband (me too!) Loved this dish. I really like the fact I can use frozen meatballs! Thanks again & God bless you & yours. :)

  61. Made this for dinner tonight-So yummy! Thanks for the quick easy recipe! I subbed sour cream for greek yogurt since i thought it was sour cream before, and didn't feel like running To the store. Turned out delish! Added a little dill to my bowl too! Thanks again!

  62. I bravely attempted this dish today after stumbling upon it, and was quite pleased with the turnout. I'm not always the best recipe-r, but managed to squeeze this in between the four month old's nap. Super easy and super tasty, it made my day!

    Thanks for the info! ;3

  63. Just throwing it out there... I made this in veggie version for a family dinner (sister in-law is a pescatarian) and it still tasted amazing meatless! I used morningstar veggie meat balls and subbed veggie broth/stock for the beef broth. I was a bit nervous as to how it would turn out, but it was great! I'm making it again this week!

  64. What size is the cast iron skillet you use for this recipe? I'm afraid mine might be too small. Would like to know before I get started - LOL

    1. Mine is a #8 (marked on the bottom)... I think that comes out to about a 10.5" skillet.

  65. Made this tonight - delicious! Very tasty, and super simple and quick to make. Thank you.

  66. Can't wait to try this! Quick question- I have half and half in the fridge but not whipping cream. Do you think it would affect the thickening of the sauce?

    1. Sarah -
      Go for it! I've even used regular milk in the past. You can always take your milk or half and half and add a spoon (teaspoon or so) or corn starch to it before you add it. Once you bring it up to a boil, the thickeners will do their thing and you'll be fine and dandy. A block of cream cheese works well in there, too. There aren't many ways we HAVEN'T tried this! HaHa! Hope you enjoy!


  67. YUM! I made this tonight and it was delicious!! Thanks for the recipe!!

  68. I just made this tonight and my husband and I loved it! He said it was better than the hamburger helper version lol. Trust me, that's a complement from him haha. He lived on that stuff when he was single, ugh!

  69. I just made this for dinner tonight Julie and it was really good. Hubby loved it. I followed your recipe for the most part although I added dried thyme instead of parsley - but only because I didn't write it down and I just thought thyme (along with the basil and oregano) was what you had used. No worries though, it tasted good with the thyme. I also added in a good dash or two of Worcestershire sauce, some garlic powder, and some crushed red pepper flakes. Served it with roasted broccoli. Thanks so much for sharing your recipe! I had found it on Pinterest and repinned it recently and am so glad I did!

  70. Awesome !! Everyone enjoyed it and it super easy to make

  71. A friend pinned this and when I saw I thought "that's brilliant!" I always have these ingredients on hand and my kids love meatballs and noodles. I tweaked things to our liking (whole wheat noodles, add onion & mushroom, milk w/cornstarch slurry) was delicious! Perfect meal for a weeknight when I'm leaving for the gym and hubby is just getting home...all he had to do was a veggie and dish up!

    1. That's exactly the idea behind this dish! Fast and easy. Customizable and family friendly! :)

  72. We just finished this meal. Very easy to make and everyone loved it ( Mom, who skipped the noodles, Dad and 3 boys). Had a bit of a hard time getting it all to thicken, but when I was asked to get seconds, it was thicker. I'll add frozen veggies next time I make this so we get a vegetable serving. Great, quick meal on a cold and busy night :-)

  73. I have only one complaint..... that this is a site listed for "modern moms" that are assumed to be the cooks of the house. I'm a married Dad, and I do a lot of the cooking in our house, I prefer to because I am good at it and like it. My wife can cook also, but does prefer that I cook, and that's fine. This sites title is sexist. Women complain about things being sexist all the time, at work places mostly, so why isn't anyone here? BTW, I am a working Dad, a Ca. State Licensed Plumbing contractor that does new construction plumbing for New Custom Homes, and remodels as well as Commercial, New Construction & remodel work. I come home little earlier than the wife so I am the cook. I have also cooked for many of our friends & family members who've all told me I need to get out of construction and own my own restaurant. I don't know about that but I am glad they like my cooking. I like knowing that it makes people happy, that I can change someone's attitude, and put a smile on their face with a nice, delicious meal, or even a snack. So with out further rambling, I hope this title can be changed to something else so it is not aimed at one side or the other. Men cook too, and are very good, and in some cases may even better, and I'm surprised no women have come forward and mentioned how this Stereo types women as being kitchen dwellers, that's not too modern if you ask me. Just say 'n. but I do like this site and do subscribe, basically for some menu ideas. Okay, done rambling.

    1. Whoa there........

      Please.... Truce! Truce!! I really think you have misunderstood the title of my blog... It is Menu Musings of a Modern Mom. That would be me. The menu choices that I muse over. NOT "... for Modern Moms" as you have suggested. And additionally, I make it very clear that I am not a "kitchen dweller." I am a professional woman with a PhD who teaches anatomy on the collegiate level. Hardly stereotypical. So alas, this blog catalogs the things I cook for my family and friends. It is basically a cooking diary. If people (of both genders) find the recipes useful and interesting, and it helps them get dinner on the table, all the better. I have hundreds of men as subscribers, and none have ever felt slighted by me taking the time to photograph and blog my recipes for their use.

  74. Julie...I just had to RAVE...this recipe was AMAZING!! My whole family LOVED it! Even the baby had it all over his entire face and even in his hair! I started looking at your blog and I love every single one of these recipes...and then I are from LA too! :) I grew up there myself, but currently live in Salt Lake City. I look forward to trying out more of your delicious recipes! :) Thanks again!

  75. Made this tonight for my husband and two little boys, and it was a big hit!!! I did add the cream cheese and some pasta water and some parmesan cheese, and added a little extra beef broth to re-heat the leftovers that my husband ate later that night...
    Definitely a keeper!!!

  76. Just made this tonight for dinner and it was a big hit!!! My husband and my two young boys really loved it, only a small amount of leftovers that we added a little bit of beef broth to heat up the leftovers! I also added the cream cheese, pasta water and parmesan cheese to the mix, definitely a keeper!!

  77. Thank you for the meatball stroganoff recipe , it was so easy and everyone loved it , I will be making this again & again! Thank you

  78. Thanks for posting this - I am always looking for something new and easy to make! :)

  79. I added mushrooms, because I love them, and the cream cheese. It was wonderful!!
    Thanks for the post.

  80. Made this last night. Great flavor but mine too was a little thin. Will be reducing it much more next time before adding creams. Family still loved it. Thanks for the recipe!

  81. Sooo looking forward to making this soon! Also, your kids are adorable :)

  82. Amazing recipe! I am a full time student, mommy to be, and Army wife of a deployed Soldier and haven't done much cooking since my husband left (it's just me). I do love to cook and I'm so glad I decided to make this meal for myself- I had 2 helpings! I raved to my husband via email and told him it will be added to our dinner rotation. I also recommended it to my sister- I know her crew will LOVE it as well. It worked just fine with a non-stick pan. I just hit up my local tiny grocery store for what I didnt have on hand and they don't carry frozen meatballs so I made my own for the first time- they were fantastic as well. I forgot egg noodles so angel hair pasta took their place. I added a couple cloves of garlic while i finished browning the meatballs and the cream cheese as suggested. Absolutely fantastic, I can't wait for my husband to try it when he comes home- I know he will love it! Thank you so much for sharing!!

  83. I just made this and it was wonderful thanks for sharing.

  84. I was going to make lunch meat quesadillas tonight after a long tiring day but I saw my half a bag of frozen meatballs in the freezer and was on the hunt for a strogonoff recipe.. your recipe was pinned A LOT on Pinterest and it looked so yummy and easy so I gave it a shot. It was SOOO good! I didnt have egg noodles so I used broken spaghetti and I used the cream cheese. This is fantastic and will be on our rotation for sure! Thank you for such a great recipe! And for me I will be adding mushrooms in the future ;) !

  85. When I finish cooking this, I throw it in a casserole dish and bake it for 30 minutes adding cheese the last 10 minutes of cooking.. really makes this complete!

  86. Your recipe was amazing! Definitely a keeper! I felt like I was dining in an Italian Bistro, except for the children screaming next to me. Lol! My boys, ages 3 and 9, loved it! I will say that I didn't have any egg noodles, so I had to settle for half a box of linguine noodles and rice. I gave everyone the option of noodle or rice and we spooned the meatballs and sauce over it. Needless to say, my husband and 9 year old went back for seconds so they could try both. Either way was a winner. Thanks!

  87. I tried this dish tonight for dinner and it was DELISH! A very big hit for my picky husband and children. I'm so glad to have found your site, there's so many of your dishes I can't wait to try!

  88. I made this for dinner Sunday and it was great!! I actually did a post about it on my blog. Thanks for sharing this recipe.

  89. This stuff is SO, SO good! I don't have a cast iron skillet so I have to "fake" the fond a bit. I thaw one meatball in the microwave and then chop it into tiny pieces and add it to the rest. Gives the sauce a bit more flavor. And I absolutely love the Kirkland brand meatballs from Costco. I've made this several times and it has not disappointed yet! Thanks!

    1. LOL.... I've never seen anyone "fake the fond." That made me giggle! I had to pass that along to others that may not have a cast iron skillet. :)

  90. I make this for my family ALL the time! We love it! Now I am trying to keep track of my calories, and am wondering if you have an idea of about how many are in this yummy dish :)

    1. Sarah,

      You can go to and enter the ingredients and I think it will help you calculate the nutritional numbers. You can also cut back by choosing low fat sour cream, turkey meatballs, etc.
      Best of luck!


  91. Hi Julie May! I have been trying more quick dinner ideas because I have been so busy lately. We tried this last week and it was fast and delicious. We all loved it and will be making it again soon. I love mushrooms, but my daughter can't stand than. She was thrilled to get a stroganoff without them ;)
    Thank you!

  92. The photos are making me hungry. Great recipe!

  93. I've made this 3 times so far and all I have to say is DELICIOUS!!!

  94. My family loves this dish. For me, I just pick out the meatballs for a low carb friendly option. I have made it handful of times since finding your blog along with the sausage tortellini. I actually have made several of your recipes and they do not disappoint!

  95. Found this on google images when I googled "quick easy recipe".... I will be making this tonight :)

  96. amazing... I loved and my daughter had seconds... tahnk you

  97. Thanks for sharing! I've made this a # of times the past few months. I we have a 15 month old who seems to love it ad well! He will usually have 2ends....

  98. This was amazing!!! My husband was impressed :) I was too at how fast and easy it was! I used cream and cream cheese for extra deliciousness :) Thank you so much!

  99. I've made this several times but can never get it to thicken. Is there a trick?

    1. My best recommendation is to use a cornstarch slurry. That's my go-to thickener.

  100. I've tried using this recipe with homemade gluten free meatballs, and gluten free pasta. I've now started freezing the gluten free meatballs for this recipe, and to have on hand for spaghetti, or appetizer meatballs. It is awesome, and all of my daughters and daughter-in-laws have decided that we need to have meatball making freezer meal days. I can understand how this can be a go to meal for you as it is simple,delicious, and quick! I just wanted to comment, as we are a family of celiacs, and I'm always trying to make the transition for my family to GF cooking as painless as possible. This recipe was very easy to convert, we just had to use the GF meatballs, and GF pasta, but it was a restaurant quality meal!

  101. I don't even know if you will see this but I just want you to know we make this EVERY SINGLE MONTH! It is so easy and just the best comfort food. Love it! Great recipe!

    1. Thanks Kjersti! I appreciate that! My family loves it each and every time I make it. :)

  102. I'm not much of a "commenter" but I've been making this for years. It's been a while, so I pulled up the link from my pin on Pinterest. It's such an easy recipe and everyone loves it. This time I snuck in a few extra veggies. My boys are now teens and never get enough green. I threw in sliced mushrooms after I browned the meatballs and then at the very end, a few handfuls of baby spinach. They don't love spinach but when it's drenched in that delicious brown gravy, they can't turn out down. Thank you so much for this awesome recipe!!!

    1. Thank you, Cristina. Some of the friends of my teens don't love fresh spinach either, but I chop it fine in some of my recipes and tell them its seasoning. It cooks down so much, they don't really know the difference. My "little" kids just smirk and try not to giggle (because they are the choppers). :)

  103. Looks so yummy! I love the color of the dish so much. Unfortunately, I have run out of sour cream for this recipe so can you suggest some substitute of it?

    1. Hi, you may try substituting Greek yogurt in place of sour cream. :)

  104. Yum!!! I made this for my family and added mushrooms & onions. They love it. Thank you for sharing! It’s going into rotation at my house ��

  105. Looks like this is an older post but I made this just the other day and it was delicious. I wanted it for leftovers but my son came over and confiscated it! It was yummy and very easy to make.

    1. Hi there. Yes, it IS an older post, but remains to this day one of the most popular posts on the entire blog. People love it because it's so simple to make, the ingredients are mostly "on hand," and the entire family loves it. Thank you for taking the time so stop in and comment! :)

  106. I’ve made this several times over the past 4 years or so since I discovered this recipe! I hadn’t made it in about a year though. Today was a rare day off for me and probably one of the last cool days we’ll have in southwest Florida and I was craving comfort food. This recipe was my first thought!! This time I did it your way and didn’t even bother to measure stuff out (and I added mushrooms because I love them). Best batch so far!!! Thanks for this recipe. It’s my most favorite recipe that I’ve tried from online! I know I’ll be going to it again many more times.

    1. That's so awesome! Thank you for taking the time for dropping by to leave me this sweet message. How lovely to be the first thing I woke up to read. :) - Julie

  107. I have made this multiple times and loveeeee it!!!! I add spinach, mushrooms and anything else I can sneak in ; )

    1. Ha! That made me giggle. You just keep on sneaking!!!
      - Julie

  108. Hi there! Can you please send me the recipe or a link to print the recipe. The link doesn't work for me to be able to print it above. Thank you so much!

  109. This is the best recipe! You could do the keto world a kindness and repost it as a keto friendly recipe. All you would need to do is substitute the pasta for cauli-rice or a faux pasta. This is my favorite recipe on the internet. So easy and delicious.
